Environment Setup#

This chapter describes how to get set up quickly in a new (remote) computing environment.

Create an ~/env directory to store files related to the computing environment:

mkdir ~/env

Create an ~/env/bin directory to store binaries:

mkdir ~/env/bin

This directory will be added to the PATH environment variable by ~/.profile in the config files.



Download the Miniconda install script:

wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

Run the script to install Miniconda to the ~/env directory:

chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

Add the conda-forge to the channels list:

conda config --prepend channels conda-forge


In the command above, you can use --append instead of --prepend to give conda-forge lower priority than the official Anaconda channels.


Install mamba, a faster alternative to conda, in the base environment:

conda install -n base mamba


The Conda User Guide says:

You don’t want to put programs into your base environment, though.

This is because the base environment is where conda itself is installed, so if it breaks, your entire conda install breaks.

Nevertheless, mamba must be installed in base in order to install packages to the correct directories.

The main Environment#

Create and activate the main environment:

conda create -n main
conda activate main

The main environment is where you should install tools applicable to almost all projects. For instance, tmux and stow:

mamba install tmux stow

And modern shell tools:

mamba install exa fd-find ripgrep sd


Modern shell tools replace older tools that have been standards for decades. They improve usability and efficiency, and add new features. My preferred modern shell tools are:

  • exa replaces ls

  • fd replaces find

  • ripgrep replaces grep

  • sd replaces sed and awk

Optionally, install Python and R as well:

# Python & R
mamba install python ipython jupytext pandas
mamba install r


You can add conda activate main to ~/.bashrc to make the shell activate this environment by default on login.

Config Files#

Clone the dotfiles-remote repo:

git clone https://github.com/nick-ulle/dotfiles-remote.git


Get the Neovim AppImage and make a softlink in ~/env/bin to the executable.

For shorter deployments, just alias nvim to vim in ~/.bashrc.