Remote Computing#

This chapter is a collection of workflows, tips, and tricks for remote computing.


You can launch a 4-hour interactive session with:

srun --partition=med --time=4:00:00 --unbuffered --pty /bin/bash -il

The -il argument to bash makes the shell an interactive login shell.

View partitions available for use:

sacctmgr show associations where user=nulle  | less -S

GPU Nodes#

The DataLab GPU slice is partition gpu-a100-h and is only accessible from the datalabgrp account. You can launch a 4-hour interactive session on the DataLab GPU slice with:

srun --account=datalabgrp --partition=gpu-a100-h --gres=gpu:1 \
  --time=4:00:00 --unbuffered --pty /bin/bash -il

The --gres=gpu:NUM argument sets the number of GPUs available, and is necessary to use a GPU on any of Farm’s GPU-enabled nodes. On nodes with more than 1 GPU, NUM can be set to the number of GPUs needed.

Running Jupyter/RStudio Remotely#

Use SLURM to launch an interactive session as described in the previous sections.

On the allocated node, get the hostname:

hostname -f | cut -d "." -f1

Then launch Jupyter:

jupyter lab --no-browser --ip=HOSTNAME --port=8888

The port can be pretty much any large number.

On your local machine, use ssh to forward local connections to the port to the allocated node on Farm:

ssh farm -N -L 8888:HOSTNAME:8888

The -L argument sets up forwarding and the -N argument prevents ssh from opening a login shell.

You can then access Jupyter at http://localhost:8888/.

Git Workflow#

On your computer, set up a local repository and make some commits.

On the remote server, create a ~/bare_repos directory:

mkdir bare_repos

Then initialize a bare repo for the repo you want to work with on the server:

cd bare_repos
git init --bare REPO_NAME

In the local repo on your computer, add the bare repo on the server as a remote repo:

git remote add farm nulle@farm:~/bare_repos/REPO_NAME

Then push to the remote repo:

git push farm main

Finally, on the server, clone the bare repo so that you can work on it:

git clone --branch main bare_repos/REPO_NAME REPO_NAME
#git checkout main

Now you can commit and push on the server. To pull commits from the server to your computer, run:

git pull farm main